Featured: Samsung Galaxy SIII Official Jelly Bean Build Pops Up on Video

Most of you who own Samsung’s flagship phone, Galaxy S3 are waiting for the latest iteration of Google’s Android OS, Jelly Bean to pop-up on their phone. It has been previously reported to hit the phone on 29th August but nothing official has been said yet. In the meantime you can enjoy the latest video by AndroidMX posted on their YouTube channel that shows of the latest Official Jelly Bean ROM running on the Galaxy S3. The build is labelled as i9300XADLG4, and to be honest it looks pretty much same as the current ICS ROM with some minor visual, however let’s not forget that it is based on Jelly Bean, so it’s going to be buttery smooth. (and yeah Samsung did put CrapWi….err TouchWiz on there as well). Check out the video below to witness the awesomeness of “Project Butter” on the mighty Galaxy S3. You may want to brush-up your Spanish before watching though.


One thing that sticks out is the revamped notification bar. Not a big redesign but a slight visual change to the notification bar makes it look much better but I still despise the green (Gingerbread) color, What’s wrong with the Blue ICS/JB color scheme? The green color scheme looks aesthetically unattractive (to me at least). New changes in the notification bar include quick sharing of screenshots directly from the notification bar and other features that are native to Jelly Bean OS like expanded notifications, ability to read mail in the bar, etc

Other features include the Jelly Bean Native  Google Now, as you can see in the video is fully functional  even with the Spanish language. The new ROM is claimed to make the SGS3 “Buttery” smooth and faster than ever even with TouchWiz on top of it. Still no official words on the release date of the update but we’re certain that it will come out right at the end of this month.

What do you think about the Official Jelly Bean ROM on Galaxy S3? Do you like it with TouchWiz? Check out the screenshots below.