Featured: Become a Legend through Blood and Glory

Through trials and rigorous battles. Through blood, and glory. You too can become a legend in the arena. Glu mobile has just release their second installment in the Blood and Glory series onto the Google Play store, allowing you to log some free time splitting skulls and slashing through any man who stands in your way. This comes shortly after Glu released their teaser trailer for the game just last week, so I find it kinda surprising that they release the game this quickly. Never the less, the game is out now on Google play and you can pick it up for free. The game is a massive file size though so make sure you carve out some storage space if you’re going to check this game out. If you’re unfamiliar with the blood and glory series, it’s kind of like Infinity Blade in the style of play and the setting is of course themed with an arena background and modeled in a sort of roman gladiator games type way. You will have to advance through opponent after opponent as they get harder and more skilled, so too will you have to up your game and enhance your fighting style along with your armor and weaponry. You can choose to play through the game battle after battle grinding it out to buy new equipment with in app gold or you can reach into your wallet and buy stuff through Glu credits which you will purchase from the play store. The game is all in all not a bad time passer if you like good graphics and lots of bloody gory goodness. This type of game is typical from Glu and they are well-known for putting out some decent games with pretty killer graphics. Some better than others of course. If it sounds like this might strike your fancy then head on over to the play store link at the bottom and check it out.

Blood and Glory: Legend