Featured: Soak test underway for Ice Cream Sandwich update to the Motorola Atrix 2

If you watched our podcast last night (or today), you heard us talk about how the Atrix 2 and a few other devices won’t be getting ICS. Well actually Motorola had it as “Further plans coming soon”. Today, a soak test began for the Atrix 2 and many people believed it was a small Gingerbread update. But it appears to be Ice Cream Sandwich firmware.

Motorola Feedback Network’s participants began receiving invites from Motorola to help them test a preliminary test of the devices new software. It reads as follows:

Thanks for signing up for the Atrix 2 software test. Our apologies for the delay in starting this test! The software will begin to be pushed out later this afternoon; however, it may take several hours for all targeted devices to receive the update.

We’re eager to hear your feedback. Please share your experience on the private community provided, and via the survey I will send out after you’ve had some time to work with the software.

Its great to see Motorola being more than just talk, about correcting their past mistakes. We’ve already seen Motorola’s new Vice President of Product Management, Punit Soni, being very vocal on Google+ with users of the Droid Bionic and a few other Motorola devices that may or may not receive ICS.

Hopefully there will be no problems with this soak test and we’ll see an OTA for the Atrix 2 hit within the next week or so. Then perhaps the Droid Bionic will be next? Anyone out there get this soak test invite?

Source: Atrix 2 forums