Droid Daily 10/11/12: Kindle Fire HD, Optimus G, Verizon, Bugless Beast, GS3, GNote 2 and More!

New Zagat App hits the Google Play Store

Zagat for Android has just hit version 1.0 and is available on the Play Store. For those that don’t know, Zagat is a Google owned Restaurant guide. It’s available for devices running Android 2.2 and above. You can download it from the Google Play Store here. Source

LG Optimus G (AT&T Variant) passes through the FCC

Lately there’s been a ton of talk about LG. Between the new LG Optimus G which is headed to both Sprint and AT&T, and the LG Nexus which has not been confirmed yet. It looks like today the LG Optimus G that will be heading to AT&T passed through the FCC. Source

Verizon retiring it’s 2G and 3G networks by 2021

We knew this was coming right? With the rapid rollout of 4G LTE and VoLTE which is coming next year. Verizon is looking to “retire” their 2G and 3G CDMA networks by the year 2021. But by then LTE should be a lot less draining on your battery.

 The Verizon Wireless 2G and 3G networks will be available into the foreseeable future. Recently published dates are guidelines that we are giving customers who have to plan, fund, and transition large enterprise projects to the faster speed networks. The Verizon Wireless 2G and 3G networks will be available as long as necessary to support customers who may have mission critical projects on those networks.


FCC approves of the Kindle Fire HD 8.9-inch 4G LTE

The name of the tablet is such a mouthful, even worse than Sprint’s Samsung Galaxy S2 Epic 4G Touch. But anyways, it looks like the FCC has been pretty busy today. After approving of the LG Optimus G for AT&T, they have also approved of Amazon’s new Kindle Fire HD that features LTE. The official release is still slated for November 20th. Source

NTT DoCoMo in Japan introduces it’s 2012 Winter Collection, many high-end devices

The largest carrier in Japan, NTT DoCoMo, has just released their Winter 2012 lineup of devices. These devices include a Samsung Galaxy S3 in titanium gray, LG Optimus G in red, Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Sony Xperia AX, Sharp AQUOS ZETA smartphone, and a Fujitsu Arrows Tab 10.1-inch device. Some pretty nice devices coming to Japan. Source

Samsung Galaxy S3 on sale at Best Buy this Sunday, $100 off!

We all know how great the Samsung Galaxy S3 is right? We don’t need to tell you again. But it appears that Best Buy is selling all variants of the Galaxy S3 for $100 off this Sunday. But only in the Marble White and Pebble Blue, no Garnet Red. Source

Bugless Beast for the Verizon Galaxy Nexus updated to Android 4.1.2

Many of you out there with Verizon’s Galaxy Nexus are probably familiar with Peter Alfonso, and familiar with Bugless Beast. Well that ROM just got updated to use Android 4.1.2’s new code. You can download it here. Source

More Android 4.1.2 Factory images, Binaries, and the Nexus Q gets a Factory Image

Yesterday, the very well known maintainer of AOSP, Jean-Baptiste Queru published some new factory images for the Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 7. Today we got a few more factory images and binaries, we also got binaries for the Sprint Galaxy Nexus (Toroplus) but still no images. And perhaps there’s life for the Nexus Q, as it get’s it’s very first Factory Image. But how many people have a Nexus Q? Source

TELUS confirming that the Galaxy Note 2 will be available on October 30th

Well we already know all the major carriers in the US and Canada are getting the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. We just don’t know when they will be available. We also know that Samsung is throwing a launch party in New York City on October 24th for the Galaxy Note 2. Now we have confirmation that TELUS will be making their Galaxy Note 2 available starting October 30th. So far there is no pricing on the device yet. Source

Removing the Razr M’s unlocked bootloader warning

Have you unlocked your Razr M’s bootloader yet? Are you tired of getting that warning about it? Well the great guys over at Pocketnow has a nice way of how to fix that. Click on the source to see how. Source