The Android world has been stormed by the recent announcement of the Nexus trio but that doesn’t mean we are not keeping an eye on anything else in the Droid world. Google has announced that the Play store has reached its 700,000 apps milestone today – that means there are now 700K apps available for download for your Android device.
Previously Apple reported to reach the 700K apps milestone at that time Google Play had 675K apps, just a little behind the App store. Now, the numbers are matched, so only edge that Apple had over Android is now gone. Even though these numbers might look great on paper or even sound great when say them out loud but in reality searching for quality apps will be a big issue with the Play store filled with that many apps. Don’t worry though we’ll still be digging out the best apps for you to download so you don’t have to do the hard work.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you think the numbers matter at all?