Well, what can we say? These were rumors, so there was a 50/50 chance they would have been true. We always say to take these rumors with a grain of salt, and it now it’s come out that some of these rumors were indeed false. The rumors that Android and Me posted on last week were most of the false rumors, including the customization center, and Project roadrunner.
So this is basically what happened. A guy by the name of “Peter” sent an email to various Android blogs including Android Police and Android and Me with different rumors. And the only blog that took the “bait” was Android and Me. So of course they are catching a lot of flack. The so called hoaxer took to Android Police’s comments section on their site today and explained in great detail what happened. He even included some of the emails between himself and Taylor Wimberly of Android and Me. We have a link to the comment in the sources below, as well as a link to Android and Me’s retraction.
But the hoaxer did say that he did not provide information about:
The following rumours were not part of the hoax, though:
– The WSJ Article that reported that there are several Nexus devices this year.
– The rumour that states that there might be a LG Nexus and the confirmation from CNET.
– All the 4.2 handy that were spotted on several server log.
– The rumor regarding the forbidden SD-slot.
So it does look like Android 4.2 is real and that there is an LG Optimus Nexus on it’s way. But for now we’ll have to continue guessing on what will be part of Android 4.2 whether it’s Jelly Bean or Key Lime Pie. And if we’re just getting an LG Nexus or more. But at least now we know why Google was LOL’ing over the weekend by “reading these rumor sites” right?