Google's Wireless Charging Dock for the Nexus 4 is Awful Familiar; No?

Today, Google decided that nature was not going to hold them back and instead went ahead and announced the whole thing over the intertubes. With a flood of information ranging from Play Store listings to full on announcements on their blog. It’s certainly a strange way for such a large company to announce its next wave of Nexus products but, with all the leaks, you’d have to think that they were a little against it. How much of today’s announcement had we already seen? Pretty much all of it. There were some surprises though but, nothing earth shattering went on. What we did get to know though, is that Google and LG are bringing one hell of a phone, at one hell of a price.

With the Nexus 4 that’s coming from LG and Google comes a new way for you to charge your Nexus device; a wireless charging dock. We bought word that this was coming last week and whilst we’re not surprised we’re certainly happy to see the add-on. Essentially, it’s an upturned spherical dock that takes care of charging your Nexus 4. That sounds really boring doesn’t it? Well, the Nexus 4 then goes into DayDream mode which will display certain stuff from Google Currents as well weather etc. The details aren’t quite finalised but, it looks like the dock could have more use than you’d immediately think.

Wait, doesn’t this all sound a little familiar? Sort of, WebOS familiar? Well done, sir! FIFTY POINTS! No, seriously though, with the HP TouchPad – one sitting on my desk right now – and the Touchstone dock, displayed something similar in “Exhibition Mode”. The great thing about this was that app developers could plug in to the feature and have their own experience. While I don’t use WebOS much on my TouchPad it was a welcome addition and the LCARS clock I had for it was magic. It’s great to see Matias – who once headed up Palm before they were fed to HP – is bringing such great features to the forefront of Android.