Motorola May End Up Having To License FRAND Patents To Apple And Microsoft

Some days you love the tech industry, and some days you wonder if the fighting over patents will ever come to an end. Motorola Mobility is set for two upcoming trials over their standard-essential patents. The companies they face? None other than Microsoft and Apple.

Although Google mainly acquired Motorola Mobility for its patent portfolio and to have an edge against competitors, it’s starting to look more and more like they may be the ones that face trouble and not the other way around. In regards to Apple, they’re claiming SEP (standard-essential patent) infringement and are wanting import bans enforced on multiple products.

The problem is that the licensing terms that Motorola offered on their SEP’s was felt to be unfair by Apple. FRAND stands for “Fair, Reasonable, And Non-Discriminatory” and if the court sides with Apple, then that means Motorola Mobility will lose the case and not get the licensing terms that were originally brought to the table.

After all, in Germany back in August, they were forced to accept a FRAND patent license to Apple. Going forward, Motorola needs to decide on how they want to play because if they push a bit too hard, they could potentially see a repeat of what happened not too long ago.