Since the release of Android 4.2 it would seem there were a few different bugs uncovered that the Google development team had missed. The big one was that they had completely missed the month of Decemberwithin the People app. I hate to be the developer or team who screwed up on that issue.
Now it would appear that another bug discovery has been made. It’s a strange issue that affects the multiple user accounts on the Nexus 7 and Nexus 10. Wow, Google really whizzed through this update because it would appear this version is the most “buggiest” they have encountered yet.
The issue happening is while there are applications running in the background like the “app tray, Play Store, or wallpaper,” they are being displayed in the “foreground app.” The weird part? It only happens on the “secondary accounts.” It is affected by apps that contain “some sort of transparency.” As soon as the issue was discovered on the Nexus 7, it was then tested on a Nexus 10, and it indeed proved to be a bug within the operating system itself.
Android Police was able to provide the below screenshots which clearly show the blue image as the “test” secondary account, whereas the black image is the “primary” account and what the screen should actually be displaying.
Also if you refer to the Code Android page you can read under “issues” about where a user posted his issue and the below screen shot was provided. The image was actually taken WHILE playing a game, and as you can see the wallpaper is bleeding through. I have to admit if it were me, it definitely would irritate me.
The user reported the following:
“In many applications the desktop wallpaper and icons bleed through. See attached screenshot where the eyes are actually my wallpaper. It seems to happen on areas of the screen where certain textures are being drawn. It happens in about 50% of my games.”
That doesn’t exactly sound encouraging at least for Google. I’m starting to think that I’m quite happy I wasn’t one to rush out and get any of the Nexus line devices since it would appear Google has missed quite a few steps along the way before they released it.
I know, I know, I being in IT will clearly admit that it can be an easy to miss common sense stuff, but this is Google we are talking about here! Let us hope no more bugs are uncovered or people may start to lose their faith in Google.
What do you think about the long list of Android 4.2 bugs found since its release? How does it make you feel about Google and their development team?
Sources: Android Police