Android Distribution Numbers for November are Out; Gingerbread Still Leading the Way at 50.8%

Another month has ended. Which means we’ll be seeing all kinds of numbers coming out on the Android-front right now. Today, Google released the distribution numbers for Android versions. And yes, a little more than 50% of Android users are still on Android 2.3 – Gingerbread, pretty surprising to me. Whats even more surprising is that there’s around 13% still on something lower than Gingerbread.

The chart above shows data collected from a 14-day period which ended on December 3rd, 2012. Google counts the devices running each version of Android by you using the Play Store. Which means those that are running custom ROMs do count for Android 4.1 and 4.2, since there are very few phones that have either of those versions. Basically just the Nexus line, the Samsung Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note 2, HTC One X, One X+, and the Droid DNA. There might be a few more smaller, lesser known devices running Jelly Bean as well.

Honeycomb also dropped from 1.8% last month to about 1.6% this month. I don’t expect that number to change without users just getting rid of their Honeycomb tablets. If they are still running Android 3.x right now, they must not feel comfortable with rooting or flashing ROMs. Although I could be wrong about that.

You’ll also notice that Android 4.0.x is commanding more than a quarter of the Android population. Even though ICS is a year old now, it still has pretty low numbers. I thought it would be higher by now. And Jelly Bean has about 6.7% between Android 4.1 and 4.2. Surprisingly Android 4.2 is sitting at 0.8%, considering the only devices running it are Nexus devices and a few select other devices that have custom ROMs running on them.

You can check out the full report on the Android Developer Dashboard, and find some more interesting and useful numbers as well. Including screen sizes, Open GL versions and more. The link is in the sources below. What version of Android are you running on your device(s) right now? Let us know in the comments along with what device it is.

Source: Android Developer Dashboard