Did a Google Employee Just Confirm the Next Version of Android?

I know what you’re thinking. We’ve barely even gotten Android 4.2 on many Android devices, heck we only have Android 4.1 on a handful of devices outside of the Nexus family. But it is time to talk about the next version of Android. In the weeks and even months leading up to the Android 4.2 announcement on October 29th, we believed that the next version of Android was going to be Key Lime Pie. But as we know now it was to remain as Jelly Bean. So we have Android 4.1 and 4.2 as Jelly Bean. Now a Google employee has done a little doodle and shared it on Google+ of Andy eating each dessert, from Cupcake all the way up to Jelly Bean and ending with what looks like Key Lime Pie. See for yourself below.

The interesting thing here is the Googler that drew this is, Manu Cornet, and he actually works with the Gmail project. So he probably doesn’t have a whole lot of knowledge as to whats going on with future versions of Android. At least that’s what we tend to think, being on the outside of Google. But who knows what goes on inside Building 44 of the Googleplex.

Now the picture above shows a couple of different things. It shows all the major versions of Android; Cupcake (1.5), Donut (1.6), Eclair (2.0, 2.1), Froyo (2.2), Gingerbread (2.3), Honeycomb (3.x), Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0), Jelly Bean (4.1, 4.2) and Key Lime Pie which we would assume is Android 5.0. But it also shows Andy getting bigger and bigger. Is that because his diet consists of all these tasty desserts? Or is he just growing up? I bet he has diabetes by now. But it’s always cool to see how the world of Android has evolved over the past few years. I still remember my first Android device which had Eclair on it. And boy did that UI look ugly compared to Jelly Bean. Android has come a long way and still has a long way to go.

We are expecting that Google won’t announce a new version of Android until Google I/O in June 2013. But we could be wrong. We are also expecting it to be Android 5.0, because it makes sense to announce the big Android releases at their own developer conference right?