The newest addictive game, Temple Run 2, has now surpassed Angry Birds and is now the fastest growing mobile game. It has been downloaded over 50 million times in less than 2 weeks. The game also had over six million downloads in its first 24 hours, which is before it was available on Android. Temple Run 2 quickly rose to #1 in its respective categories in each app store, or marketplace. These numbers are downloads from Google Play, Amazon’s App Store and the iOS App Store.
The Co-Founder of Imangi, Keith Shepherd, sad “the game has performed beyond our wildest dreams.” He went on to say that “Temple Run has evolved into something so much bigger than us.” Currently the original Temple Run has been downloaded over 170 million times, and at the current pace of Temple Run 2, there’s no telling how much bigger the second installment could become.
The announcement from Imangi’s PR says that “Temple Run has expanded to include apparel from JEM Sportswear, digital comics with Ape Entertainment, and card and board games with Spin Master, among other licensing partnerships.” So as you can see there are plenty of traits familiar in Temple Run’s rising that we saw in the rise of Angry Birds, which is still a very popular game.
If you remember, back in April of last year, Rovio Mobile released Angry Birds Space for both Android and iOS and became the fastest growing mobile game with 50 million downloads in 35 days. Which means Temple Run 2 literally shattered the record by a good 3 weeks. So congratulations to Imangi and all the developers and designers behind Temple Run 2. We’re going to love seeing both of these games get even more popular in the next year or so.
Have you played Temple Run 2 yet? Do you like it better than Angry Birds? I haven’t played Temple Run 2 yet, but the original one was pretty addicting and so was Angry Birds. Let us know if you’re addicted in the comments below.
You can grab Temple Run 2 from the Play Store by hitting the button below.
Source: Imangi