Verizon Announces New Jetpack, 4G LTE Mobile Hotspot $20 after Mail-In Rebate

Now here’s another way Verizon and the other carriers can squeeze more money out of you, mobile hotspots. This new Verizon Jetpack is small enough to fit in your pocket and runs on Verizon’s 4G LTE network. It’s also on sale for $19.99 after a $50 mail-in rebate and signing a 2-year contract with big red.

This Verizon Jetpack was developed by Novatel Wireless and can provide internet for up to 10 devices, while ensuring secure connections for your devices using WPA2/WEP encryption and VPN support. It’s also equipped with a screen where you can monitor your data usage in real time. That’s pretty awesome for a mobile hotspot that’s under $20. The Jetpack will be available at Verizon Wireless online starting January 31st. It’ll be available in stores in the weeks following.

Now before you get so excited that you can get a great device for mobile hotspot for $20. You gotta remember, you’re going to be paying for data each month and it’ll be shared with the rest of your devices. Which kinda sucks. But that’s coming from someone that has unlimited data. You’ll be able to add the device to your account for $20/month, and if you don’t already have a Verizon account, you can get between 1GB and 10GB of data allowance per month which ranges from $50-100 per month in addition to the $20 per month for the hotspot. So unless you absolutely need it, I don’t see this as truly a great deal. Although it might fit in perfectly for you, and if it does, by all means go for it. Now we know that Verizon has “the best coverage” although that is getting pretty questionable now. And in most places, LTE isn’t that much faster than HSPA+. So why pay $70 or more per month to use this device?

You can find out more information about the plans for this Verizon Jetpack in the source links below, along with information on this Jetpack. Now the next question is, how many logos does it have and how big are they? Would you purchase this Jetpack from Verizon? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Share Everything, Verizon