With Tons of Android News coming out every hour is near impossible to write about it all, but we want to make sure you don’t miss a thing! So everyday we offer a quick view of stories that did not make our front page top news and give you some extra reading, so you can get your Droid on!
Archos Reveals Release Details for the FamilyPad 2
Archos has revealed today that the FamilyPad 2 will be available “very soon” so not really any news here. But it will be on sale for 299€.
Official Pebble App Gets Updated
You remember the Pebble smartwatch right? For those that have the Pebble, the app was updated today and it added a music player selection that should work with most music apps. You can grab it from the Play Store.
Field Trip gets updated
Today, the popular app, Field Trip was updated and added more sources, it also let’s you ‘snooze’ notifications which is a nice feature as well. You can grab it from the Play Store.
T-Mobile LTE Complete in Las Vegas and Kansas City
According to T-Mobile, LTE is now complete in Las Vegas and Kansas City. So we should be seeing it go live any day now. We’ll be sure to let you know once it does.
Paid Apps return to Google Play in Taiwan
After an 18-month legal battle, paid apps have now returned to Google Play in Taiwan.
Google Play Books Updated
It’s now available in India, and ‘Over 90’ issue has now been resolved as well. Go grab the update from the Play Store now.