Screenshots from the Galaxy S IV Leak Out; Say Hello to Smart Scroll and Smart Pause

We all know that Samsung is bringing out their latest Galaxy S smartphone next week in New York and while some of you die-hard Samsung fans can’t wait any longer, you’re just going to have to. However, thanks to the folks over at Sammobile you might be able to get a sneak peek of what software enhancements Samsung will be bringing to the table. Last year we saw Samsung introduce the Nature UX and this year, it’s widely speculated that they’ll be announcing the second version of that with the Galaxy S IV. As always, the South Korean company will want to bring features to the table that are designed to make our lives easier, thanks to these leaked shots it looks like they’re going to be doing just that.

With the Galaxy S III came Smart Stay, a feature that would use the camera to keep the phone awake for as long as you’re looking at the display, when you turn away – or fall asleep as Samsung call it – the phone goes to sleep. It’s a pretty nifty feature, and there’s nothing more frustrating when you’re reading something for your phone to turn off mid-sentence. We’ve heard that Samsung are going to be using some sort of eye-tracking software in the Galaxy S IV and thanks to these shots we know what they’re going to be using it for. Two new features, Smart Scroll and Smart Pause will introduce new ways of scrolling through text and video playback.

As you might imagine, Smart Scroll looks like it’s going to be a feature that will scroll through text or scroll while using certain apps like GMail and Chrome, using your eyes alone. There are a few options that you can change, such as whether or not the phone looks for head movements when scrolling:

You can also adjust the speed in which Smart Scroll…scrolls through apps and text:


Smart Pause is a feature that controls video playback through the use of our eyes. When watching a video, if you turn away from the display – and thus cut eye-contact – the video will pause itself.


It’s another neat feature that I’m sure Samsung will make a big deal of on stage come next Thursday. Smart Scroll is something I’d really like to see, I do a lot of reading on my mobile devices and being able to just keep on reading without any intervention with the phone would be really handy. It’s also a pain to keep shuffling text up the display. As for Smart Pause, it another no-brainer feature and for those that watch a lot of YouTube it could be a really nifty feature, they’d be no more fumbling to hit pause when someone came over to talk to you.

There’s probably going to be more features leaked out from the Galaxy S IV before it’s announced next week and if there are we’ll have the info on them so keep it locked to Android Headlines.