Droid Daily 4/3/13: Wallaby, Galaxy S3 Sale, Instagram and More

Wallaby Gets Announced

With Wallaby you can now get the most out of your credit card rewards. The app will show you which one you should use. Most credit and debit cards have different rewards for using it. Wallaby shows you which one is the best to use for each occasion. Pretty neat. You can pick it up on the Play Store.

Telus and Rogers Launching the HTC One on April 19th

It seems, HTC is really pushing for an April 19th launch in North America. Yesterday we heard that Sprint and AT&T would launch it on the 19th, and today our Canadian friends will be able to get it on April 19th as well from Telus and Rogers.

Avast Gets Updated

Today, Avast! Mobile Security got updated and brought a bunch of new features and fixes.

What’s in this version:

– Simplified Anti-Theft setup
– New Anti-Theft user interface
– Improved uninstall protection of apps
– File Shield (also scans downloads)
– Full activity log
– Option to disable sending SMS to avast! Account
– Folder scanning
– Vietnamese localization


Chrome For Android Gets Updated

Today, the stable version of Chrome for Android got updated and brought a nice changelog:

  • Password Sync
  • Autofill Sync
  • Fixed issue where blank page would be loaded rather than URL
  • Performance and stability improvements

Instagram Announces, 50% of Active Users are Android Users

Today, Instagram marks one year of being on Android. Now the interesting part about that is half of their usage are from Android devices. So what happened to all the iSheep iPhone users using the service? They must have rage quit and found something else when it came to the Play Store.

Symantec Warns of Fraud in Japanese Play Store

Well it looks like some one-click Japanese porn fraud apps have made their way into the Play store. It appears to be in Japan only. But Symantec wanted to be sure you were aware of it.

Galaxy S3 Now $99 on Contract

Today, in addition to announcing pricing for the Galaxy S4. AT&T also announced that the Galaxy S3 is now $99 on contract. It’s still not a bad device, even if it’s successor is coming out in the next few weeks.