Galaxy S4 Video Recording Stabilization
The Galaxy S4 has been tested yet again, this time its video recording stabilization in offroad conditions got tested. You can check out the video above to see how well it did.
BBM To Be For Phones Only
Looks like there are some drawbacks to Blackberry Messenger finally coming to Android and iOS. It’s said to be only for smartphones when it launches this summer. But it sounds like tablet support will come later on.
Galaxy S3 Comes to Straight Talk with LTE
The Galaxy S3 is still a very popular device. In fact it’s just landed on Straight Talk for $439.99 with LTE. But the odd thing is, it uses Sprint’s network. Usually Straight Talk is GSM only.
Google’s new WebP Image Format Hit Google+ 6 weeks ago
We’ve heard recently about Google’s new image format called WebP that they are trying to make a standard. It’s said to decrease bandwidth by 50%. Now that isn’t just good for website owners, but also for your data plan. That means 50% less data!