Report: Google Has Abandoned the X Phone Project

Before we get started with this, this is a report from an analyst at Chinese technology. We have no idea if it’s true or not, so you’ll have to take this with a truck full of salt until we can figure out if it is true or not. Having said that, let’s see what’s going on.

We’ve already heard that the X Phone release date has been pushed back to August. We’ve also seen various Motorola devices leaking out over the past month or so. There’s also been talk of the ‘X Fon’ from @evleaks. Now an analyst from Chinese Technology, Sun Chang Xu, has said that Google has given up development of the X Phone. Xu says that Google has returned the project to Motorola for further development, citing a lack of innovation and technology in the device.

So if this is true, it doesn’t necessarily say that the X Phone is done. I’d highly doubt Google would give up on any big project, especially one that involves Motorola which has been costing them more money each quarter. This could be true, but we have more reason to believe that it’s not true. We’ll have to keep digging around and see what we can find in regards to the  X Phone project with Motorola and Google.

Remember, this is all according to that analyst at Chinese Technology. Then again he does have 18 years of experience and over a million followers on Weibo (China’s Twitter), this could definitely be true. Even though it would break many of our hearts. I know there’s a ton of you that wanted the X Phone, and that includes me.

We’ll be checking more of our sources and digging around to see if we can find anything else on the project being dead. And we’ll be sure to report back whatever we can find.

