Droid Daily 6/25/13: Galaxy Tab 3, Sprint/Softbank, LeapPad Ultra, T-Mobile Prism II, and More

Samsung pushes out Kernel Source for AT&T’s new devices

Today, Samsung published the new kernel source code for the Galaxy S4 Active and the Galaxy Note 8.0 LTE. So we should be seeing some custom kernels on the way rather soon.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3’s on Pre-Order at Amazon, Samsung and Best Buy

Today, Amazon put up all the Galaxy Tab 3’s up for pre-order and they’ll be shipping on July 7th. The Prices range from $199-399 for the 7″, 8″ and 10.1″ tablets.

T-Mobile Announces the Prism II

Today, T-mobile release the Huawei Prism II, well at least they announced it. It’ll be on sale tomorrow both online and in store. It’s a 3.5-inch device with a 480×320 display and a single-core 1GHz processor with 512MB of RAM. So it’s definitely a low end device. T-Mobile may have wanted to go with a different name, given the recent news about NSA and PRISM.

LeapFrog Announces the LeapPad Ultra

Today, LeapFrog announced their LeapPad Ultra. Which is a $150 kid-friendly tablet. It’s specifically designed for kids 4-9 years old and will arrive on July 17th. It has over 800 apps available for it. It doesn’t have the Play Store on board though.

Sprint Shareholders approve Softbank Merger

Today, Sprint’s Shareholder had their shareholder meeting where they “overwhelmingly” approved the Softbank Merger. Now this is a good thing for Sprint and its customers. Softbank will be owning around 80% of Sprint, but they will pump lots of money into the carrier and hopefully improve their network.