AT&T Changes Privacy Policy to Follow Verizon and Sell your Data

On Wednesday, AT&T added some changes to their privacy policy. As usual when privacy policy changes happen, it’s not good. It’s looking like AT&T is joining other big groups like Google, Facebook, and Verizon and start selling their users data, although it appears to still be anonymous. AT&T couldn’t have picked a better time for this, since we are all worried about privacy with all the NSA and PRISM stories surfacing.

Privacy has been a big topic lately, but it seems to always be a big topic. Especially in mobile with the NSA and PRISM  listening on our calls. But AT&T is talking about anonymously selling user data to other businesses and this is falling under the “big data” movement we’ve seen lately.

Reports say AT&T will start selling wireless and wifi locations, web browsing stats, U-verse usage, mobile app downloads and usage as well as “other information”, we will be seeing some privacy. The carrier is stating that they will protect privacy of their customers by providing the data anonymously. Or even in aggregated data so these companies cannot identify anyone.

Last year, Verizon did this exact same thing and called the business Precision Market Insights. Facebook and Google have been doing this for years, and now it appears that AT&T will join in. But AT&T is going above and beyond what Verizon is doing. AT&T is sharing, wireless and wired information as well as U-verse TV customers data. So those that have AT&T for your wireless, wifi and TV, you’re  getting all your data shared. And to think, we say Verizon is the worst carrier?

On the bright side, AT&T has said that customers can opt out if they choose. But as usual, that won’t be an easy thing to do or even advertised. We’ll be looking around to see how you can opt out and be sure to let all of our readers know. As always we have our readers back. What do you think about the changes to AT&T’s privacy policy? Let us know in the comments below.