Here’s some pretty interesting news. Just a little while ago, we wrote about the fact that there is no ETA on when the new Nexus 7 will get it’s factor image or if it ever will. Android Police, has connected the dots (so to speak) and found out that Qualcomm is the reason for this mess. As you’d expect, this has AOSP (Android Open Source Project) Maintainer, Jean-Baptiste Queru pretty upset, which who could blame him? In fact he’s “quitting AOSP”.
Right now, we aren’t sure if this means that JBQ has quit his job completely, or just moving to another part of Google. But the fact that he’s posting this on Google+ pretty much suggests he has or he is quitting. JBQ is a pretty popular member of the Android community and we all love the work he’s done for AOSP and Android in general. So it’ll be sad to see him go. We’re hoping that all this gets straightened out, or that he just moves to another part of the Android group. This is definitely a sad day, especially for those that use AOSP to build ROMs or just flash ROMs on their Nexus devices. JBQ was in charge of open sourcing the Android code and getting factory images together.
On the bright side, this pretty much clears up the issue more. The issue appears to be based on Qualcomm’s Adreno GPU. Which is an integral part of Qualcomm’s chipset. It also appears that Qualcomm isn’t to happy or willing to open up that part of their SoC. So what does this mean? Well it’s still to early to tell. But we’ll keep an eye on it.
Either way, whatever happens with Jean-Baptiste Queru, we wish you best of luck and you’ll definitely be missed. But don’t go to far!
How many of you are rather surprised by this turn of events with AOSP and JBQ? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below.