AT&T Stores Will Start Stocking The Pebble SmartWatch In Stores On September 27th

Smart Watches are one of the latest trends in technology with a slew of them being unleashed on the market this year and countless news ones being announced, this trend is obviously here to stay. Pebble was one of the early watches to launch after a very successful kickstarter campaign and several shipment delays.

Until now, Pebble Smart Watches were only sold online and at select Best Buy retail stores but it seems like AT&T is officially jumping onto the Pebble bandwagon with plans to carry the watch in their retails stores starting on Friday, September 27th. The watch will retail for $150.00, which is the same as BestBuy and Pebble’s online store.

For those who are unfamiliar with the Pebble, it is a smart watch that we have covered before on our site. It uses an e-paper display to deliver a crisp monochrome display while using a minimal amount of power. If you have used the original Amazon Kindle, you should be very familiar with the screen. The display is backlit when needed but is also highly reflective which allows it to be viewed in direct sunlight, a feature other smart watches lack.

Unlike the Galaxy Gear and Sony Smartwatch, you do not need to use an Android Phone to pair with the watch. It will work perfectly well with iOS (but we tend not to mention much about those here) Other features of this watch include;

  • Custom watch faces to match your personal tastes

  • Caller ID Display with quick actions

  • The Ability to view SMS messages

  • The Ability to view EMail.

The watch has an open SDK allowing developers to build small applications for their watch to allow users to expand the functionality of the watch.

I am personally a huge fan of wearable technology and currently wear a Sony SmartWatch wherever I go. I can attest to how nice it is to be able to view a notification on your phone without the need to take your phone out of your pocket. This is especially useful in meetings. Will you be getting one?