BBM Is Now Available on Android; Get Some Tips From BlackBerry


BBM has finally launched on Android after promise after promise and delay after delay. In fact, it’s already been download 5 Million times, which is impressive for anything, let alone a product that so many are dismissing as irrelevant. Unfortunately though, not all of you have been able to get access to the app or service. You might be able to get in a little quicker though, by bypassing the app’s queue. If you’ve gotten into the app, you might be wondering just how the hell you go about using the app. To a lot of folks, it’ll come easily but, those in need of a little help can thank BlackBerry for giving the world some tips. Let’s take a look, shall we?

How to Add Contacts


Ah yes, the infamous BBM PIN. While a lot of your college friends are probably hitting you up on Samsung’s ChatOn (more like WhatsApp, sorry Samsung) some of your old buddies might still have their PINs active. The above video should give you an idea of how to bring your exiled BlackBerry friends back into the fold.

Multi-Person Chats


One thing that BBM has going for it is that it’s extremely easy to add more than one person to a chat. Which always makes sorting out plans a lot easier, without having to actually talk to somehow, or go back and forth between three or four parties. Overall, this is one of the smoother implementations of multi-person chats.

Sharing Media


We know, we know. The world has moved on to Snapchats and Vines but, being able to send pictures and quick voice notes to people still have their place and it’s nice to know that BBM doesn’t make this any more complicated than it needs to be.

Delivery Reports


In this age of the Internet of Everything, it’s hard to imagine messages not getting delivered but, these things can still happen. Thankfully, BBM makes it incredibly easy to know when your message has been delivered and when it’s been read. Which could save you some embarrassment when performing the dreaded “double text” when you’re in a poor service area.

So there you have it, some key tips from BlackBerry themselves to welcome all of these new users to their service. While it might seem like BBM is just hanging on for dear life, there are a lot of you out there that still want to use BBM, judging by the figures.