Samsung: No Immediate Plans to Ship the Galaxy Round Internationally

Samsung surprised a lot of us when they announced the Galaxy Round. While we were all pretty aware such a device was on its way from Samsung, we didn’t think that it would arrive quite this quickly. Nevertheless, the flexible starting pistol has been fired and Samsung is currently in the lead. With word that LG is ready to launch their own device in the G Flex soon. The Galaxy Round has created divided opinion in the community with many of you thinking just when a curved device would ever come in handy.

No matter what though, the Galaxy Round is obviously a pretty advanced device, the specs under the hood say that much. Sure, the curved design isn’t going to be for everyone but, those outside of South Korea might not even have to worry about what they’d do with such a device. PhoneArena have been told by a Samsung rep that there are “no immediate plans” to release the Round in the US or elsewhere around the globe. This often happens with such devices and considering how new this flexible OLED tech is, we wouldn’t be surprised if Samsung will struggle to keep up demand in South Korea alone. Let alone the rest of the world.

Does this mean that the Galaxy Round isn’t going to leave South Korea at all? Well, not really, no. While it’s doubtful we see such a device launch in the US before 2013 comes to a close, Samsung is in a good position to get US carriers to take a bet on the Galaxy Round. 2014 is going to be an interesting year for this sort of thing and we’re sure Samsung has some more long-term plans in mind for the Round and future devices.

As we said in our announcement post, the Round seems like a slightly rushed device to us. With leaks being almost spot on before they announced the device, it’s possible Samsung had accelerated plans for the Galaxy Round. Which could mean that distribution outside of their home market is still up in the air.