Verizon Galaxy Nexus: Jellybean 4.3 Update Lost Somewhere in the Abyss

For many of us, the 4.3 roll-out has begun. I was extremely excited when it finally came to my HTC One, and I know many others felt the same way. And for those of you who are on Verizon with the Nexus and didn’t receive the update with the first push and were looking forward to it, it looks like you’re gonna have to maintain your anxiety a bit longer. It was July when the update was announced to be coming to Verizon Nexus devices, and some did, in fact, roll out on the 31st of July (according to various forums and user comments). These roll outs were the result of an announcement made at Google’s live event in San Francisco where it was specified that Nexus 4, 7, and 10 owners would get the update while Google Edition owners would have to wait (hence the 31st of July). However, due to the prospects of Kit-Kat (4.4), it seems Verizon has decided to halt further roll-outs and ‘wait it out.’ Those with Galaxy S4s can still apparently expect their update in October. It was stated, however, on the official Google Developer’s page that a 4.3 release for the Galaxy Nexus was in coming. However, that too was a July post. From the speculation I have found, the rest of Verizon customers are looking at spring of 2014. But note that is just speculation.

This makes me wonder, however… does that mean that Verizon has decided against the 4.3 update and Nexus devices will be going straight to Kit-Kat (due to time frame)? If so, there’s not much reason to mourn. However, with the strange roll-outs that has been taken with 4.3 JellyBean, it’s curious to wonder why the hesitation? There’s currently not much information available, but we do know for certain that Verizon is not commenting on the issue at this time.  We will definitely be keeping an eye out for updates on this issue here at Android Headlines!

So what, exactly, are you missing with the update?

  • In terms of audio, 4.3 has a “virtual surround” option for the Nexus 7 (“and other Nexus devices“)
  • Auto-complete dial pad, however, I noticed the same feature in 4.2.2.
  • Various system functions for more control and security of your device.
  • Additional Language Support
  • Wi-Fi Detection (location detection over Wi-Fi)
  • Slightly different “settings” interface
  • Among a few other display features and UI tweaks.

As stated, there have been roll outs to various devices, including the Nexus 7 and Nexus 10. These roll outs have been active through August (to capture the Google Play Editions), but that’s where the activity ceases.

If you are a Nexus user, we are curious to know if you would prefer the 4.3 push or if waiting means you go straight to 4.4 upon release, would you prefer that? Note: We’re not saying that’s what would happen, just curious of your preference. Here is a generalized summary of what you could expect with 4.3 if that helps in your decision.