Watch Google's "Morning With Google+" Event Live Here


Today, Google is holding an event to show off some new updates and features heading to Google+. They’re running a little late, thanks to a power outage and presumably some other issues but, the event is still planned to go ahead (at least it was, the last we heard). Unlike other tech companies, you can watch Google’s events livestreamed on YouTube, no matter what OS or browser you’re using. Which is really quite good of Google when you think about it.

We’re expecting a new version of the Google+ app for both Android and iOS, perhaps some more photo features and there might, just might be something to do with the Nexus 5 – who knows!

We’ll have coverage of what new goodies Google has announced for Google+ once the event has finished but, in the meantime, go and grab a cup of joe and enjoy the show! Don’t forget, you can join the conversation over on our own Google+ page!