Google Glass has garnered a lot of attention from mainstream consumers and technophiles alike, so much so that we’re not surprised when we hear whispers claiming other technology companies may be looking into wearable tech themselves. LG may have just thrown its hat into the ring, if a new trademark filing spotted by the folks at Phandroidis anything to go on. The Korean company is attempting to trademark a product called “Glasstic,” and it doesn’t take too vivid an imagination to guess what such a product could be.
Unfortunately, all we’ve got at the moment is imagination, as the filing is almost painfully light on any juicy details. Under the “Good and Services” section of the filing, we can see mobile phones, spectacles, and – of all things – clocks listed, and while those items do help narrow things down a bit, they don’t do much to contribute to any feeling of absolute certainty.
So, it looks like we’ll have to wait until LG is ready to talk, and that could take some time. This trademark filing is still relatively new, with the company submitting just last week on November 14. Whatever LG’s planning is probably still in its infancy development-wise, so don’t expect to hear anything about Glasstic for a while. Still, despite everything we don’t know, it’s tempting to assume that LG is working on its answer to Google Glass, but at the end of the day, we’re at the company’s mercy when it comes to securing any concrete details.
Meanwhile, Google is still chipping away at the development of Project Glass, preparing it for its consumer launch, currently scheduled for sometime in 2014. Wearable tech is a largely uninitiated field, so many are waiting with bated breath to see how the pair of specs fare with consumers living in a constantly connected world. If there’s one thing that seems safe to assume after seeing this trademark filing, however, it’s that other technology giants have taken notice of Google Glass and are already thinking of what they can offer customers in terms of wearable technology. Is that what LG is plotting? Only time will tell, so stay tuned.