If you’ve been using Android for a few years, or at least used anything prior to ICS, you know that Android wasn’t always the best looking OS. Or even had some good looking apps. But that has quickly changed. The man partially responsible for this is Matias Duarte. He was the head design guy over at Web OS before that smartphone OS died, thanks to HP. Now he’s working for Google on the Android project. Matias and his team has done an outstanding job redesigning all the Google apps as well as the entire Android OS. Which started with Ice Cream Sandwich back in 2011.
They’ve released a new video called Android Design In Acton, the video highlights a few of their favorite apps in regard to design, as well as how and why those designs work so well. They also highlight just how these apps use their guidelines to make the app unique. There are a few Google apps highlighted, which is to be expected. One of them being the new Play Newsstand app. That app combines Magazines and Currents into one app. They’ve also included Foursquare in this video and Etsy.
Hopefully more Android developers will take note and use these guidelines to create better apps in the future. Like perhaps moving all of these apps that are stuck in the Gingerbread era into the modern Jelly Bean and KitKat era. What are some of your favorite apps that are #HOLOYOLO?
It’s great to see the Android team doing these videos showcasing other apps as well as helping developers create better apps in design, with APIs and so much more. It’s a good thing for the OS as a whole. Was your favorite app showcased in this video? Let us know in the comments down below.