When it comes to smartphones, their OS updates, their successors, and everything in between, rumors about all of them fly around like flocks of seagulls fighting over a small piece of bread. There have been many rumors about the newest upcoming flagship from HTC, which may be titled the M8, or perhaps HTC will give it a more familiar name and call it the HTC One 2. Personally, I think One 2 sounds better. There have also been rumors surrounding what kind of specs and features we are to expect out of the new HTC flagship, like the 1080p display and snapdragon 800 processor, however these newest rumors are not about any of that. The rumors floating around the web today are about the software. Which software? Well the version of Android that is to be running on HTC’s new upcoming device at launch of course.
According to a possible insider known as Llab TooFer, the successor to the HTC One might be coming pre installed with Androids latest OS version, Android kit kat, and a possible update of Sense could come along with it. We know this is a stretch, and with no real confirmations to tell us that HTC’s newest flagship will come sporting Sense 6.0 and Android 4.4, consider that its possible the device might not end up with these two versions of software. The rumors come to us from Llab TooFer’s twitter acount, with a tweet that was posted regarding the matter, stating that HTC was testing Android 4.4 and Sense 6.0 on the new device.
@DanieliGiacomo At the moment they are testing device on 4.4.2 and next version of Sense…
– LlabTooFeR (@LlabTooFeR) December 18, 2013
Llab TooFer has apparently tipped off the public on details regarding smartphones in the past that turned out to be true, according to Androidguys, so there is a slight chance this could be true as well. If it does end up being true and HTC does come out with their new flagship running kit kat and Sense 6.0, how many of you would be on board with that device? What if it was running 4.3 with Sense 6.0 but was slated to get an update to Kit Kat shortly after release? Let us know what you guys think in the comments on our G+ post.