Glam Screen Mirror Screen Cover Launches for Galaxy S4 and HTC One

Okay fine, we’ll admit it: the team here at Android Headlines consists of some good-looking humans. With that in mind, it’s no wonder our ears perked up when we heard about the Glam Screen, a new phone cover for the Galaxy S4, the HTC One, and various Apple devices. Just what is the Glam Screen, exactly? It’s a screen cover for your phone or tablet that doubles as a mirror when the display is turned off. Yes, gone are the days of struggling to view your reflection in your phone’s darkened screen, or – God forbid – heading into the public bathroom, a place where no man’s law reigns supreme, for a glance in the mirror.

Vanity jokes aside, we’re forced to admit that the idea behind it is pretty cool. It’s made by Jonathan Cheban, who some of you reality TV viewers might know through his proximity to the infamous Kardashians. Cheban even got some members of the Kardashian family to show off the device for advertisements, so if they don’t bring a little selling power to the screen cover, we’re not really sure what or who will.

So, a screen cover that doubles as a mirror. Wouldn’t that render your phone unusable while the cover is on it? You’d be tempted to think that, but Cheban says that the cover is thin enough that it won’t obscure your phone’s screen while it’s serving its primary purpose and actually displaying things. Should his claim prove to be true, he might just have a hit on his hands. After all, we imagine there are plenty of people who would jump at the chance to turn their phone into a portable mirror.

At the moment, Glam Screen is available for the iPhone, iPad, iPod, Galaxy S4, and HTC One. It’s being sold at Wet Seal, though if you can’t bear the thought of leaving the house before this thing has latched onto your phone, you can also order one directly through Glam Screen’s website. The smartphone version will set you back $24.99, while tablet-sized Glam Screens come with a $34.99 price tag. More smart device accessories are apparently on the way from Cheban, and if he can make them as cool as the Glam Screen appears to be, he’ll definitely have our attention.

Source: Glam Screen
Via: BGR
Image: Glam Screen