HTC USA has made a huge effort to keep us informed on everything they can about the company. One example of this is the Android update infographic. According to that very same infographic, HTC is very close to rolling out Android Kit Kat 4.4 to all carrier HTC One devices. Along with tweets from HTC USA president Jason Mackenzie, HTC has created an infographic to keep everyone up-to-date about their software updates. Currently, the infographic is focused on the Android Kit Kat update scheduling for the HTC One. Broken down into sections such as “Android 4.4 Kit Kat Update Status for the HTC One” and “Android 4.4 Kit Kat Update Status for Other HTC Smartphones,” as well as “Other Android Updates in Process” and “Current Software Versions,” the page aims to keep us all informed. First we turn our attention to the first section of the page, where HTC lists off all the different versions of the HTC One, and where they are currently in the update process to Android 4.4. As most of us know already, HTC has given the Google Play Edition, the unlocked version, and the developer editions of the HTC One Android 4.4. Now we see according to the graphic, that the HTC One on T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint are all in the certification stage of the update process. What does that mean to you?
HTC has broken down the entire update process into five different stages, “Evaluation”, “Development”, “Integration”, “Certification”, “Push to Customer”. Before the final stage, each stage needs to be completed and HTC has said they will have each stage completed by the end of January 2014 for the carrier versions of the HTC One. Given that they are now in the “Certification” stage of the update process, that only means that the update is due to be released very soon. That isn’t the only news that can be pulled away from the page in it’s current state. Under the category for other HTC smartphones, the Droid DNA on Verizon is also listed as in “certification”. That means it is very likely that the DNA will be updated around the same time as the HTC One. The HTC One Mini on AT&T and the HTC One Max on Verizon and Sprint are still in the “integration stage. The HTC Desire 601 on Virgin Mobile is also in “integration”. HTC is continuing to gain customer confidence in their ability to update software, and so far have done a great job, does this infographic help to build your confidence, or do you think they still won’t make the date? If they do make the date, will that change your opinion of HTC if you currently have a negative opinion?
Source: HTC Infographic Via: DroidLife