Google Fiber is slowly working its way to all residents of Provo Utah, as the registration has opened up for any of the residents that were previously on the iProvo network before Google acquired the company. Now registration may be open, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get Google Fiber right away. Once you have registered for the service, Google has to come in and lay a new Fiber Optic cable in your home, and Google can’t supply that type of service to everyone at once. That fact is obvious from a logical standpoint, and what Google has set up to do is roll the service out to customers in the area in incremental batches. Google has split up different sections of the city where residents were iProvo customers, and they have divided those sections up into what they call “Fiberhoods”. If you live in Provo, Utah, you’ll be able to find out what Fiberhood you live in from the list we have included. Google Fiber was first announced for Provo back in August of last year, and started being installed within the first homes sometime in October for customers of the Veracity Network, with an announcement from Google that residents who subscribed to services from iProvo would get their chance at Fiber in January of 2014. Here it is towards the end of January, and right on schedule Google has begun to prepare for a rollout of the service to those residents they designated. If you’re someone who lives in one of the Fiberhoods, and want to begin registration, you’ll have a few different packages to choose from if you were previously unaware of what Google Fiber is offering.
The first is a “free” service,(that’s right I said Free) where you’ll get internet with speeds that reach up to 5mbps down and 1mbps up. Those speeds aren’t earth shattering by any means, but it’s free internet so we don’t think anyone is complaining. On top of that, the free service is going to be available to those who register for it for at least a seven year time period. Next is the $70 package option, where you’ll get internet with speeds reaching up to 1gbps download and upload, which Google is keen on mentioning is 100 times faster than basic broadband internet speeds. Lastly, is the $120 package option where you get the same web speeds as the $70 option, but Google has added in TV service as well, which comes with not only hundreds of HD channels, but a storage box to hold all your content, and the ability to record up to 8 shows at once and store up to 500 hours of HD content on the box. The two Fiber services that cost are at a monthly fee.
As for the Fiberhoods, the breakdown of the timeframe starts with residents in the area called North Park, and that rollout begins next Thursday. From there, Google moves on to Downtown Provo on March 6th, Pioneer/West Provo on March 27th, Grand View in the Spring, and ends the rollout with North Provo, Southeast Provo, and The Foothills in the Summer of this year. So it looks like all the designated residents of Provo will have Google Fiber access by the time the Summer is here or nearly over. Now if only Google would begin to roll out Fiber in Oregon.
Source: TheNextWeb