Samsung Galaxy S5 May Track Your Head as New Gesture Control


In some parts of the world a short head nod means, “Sup”, it could also mean “yes”, and a head shake usually means “no.” These gestures are normal, and socially accepted everywhere, but Samsung may want to change that, in a way. According to a published European patent, Samsung is working on head gestures.

Last year we see Samsung release eye tracking technology on the Galaxy S4, which was the flagship device from Samsung last year. Now, in 2014, Samsung is going to be releasing the Samsung Galaxy S5 as their flagship device. Which makes it possible, that we may see a new tracking feature. The European patent explains and has a diagram of the new technology, using the front facing camera, to track the motions of the users head.

The idea is if you can’t touch the screen, maybe you’re following a recipe, and have hands covered in raw ingredients, or its cold outside and you have mittens on. Simply nod your head and control an app, just be ready for stares if in public. The document also suggest that a wink could be picked up by the function, so winks could possibly open an app. Making things even more detailed, the feature may even be able to tell what type of face you are making, because a snarl is suggested as well.

We already know thanks to CES, that Samsung is working on some sort of iris scanning technology, but this patent shows up sooner, and so it is possible we will be seeing this technology on the Galaxy S5. Especially since intomobile noticed the document originated back in July of 2013, which gives more than enough time to implement the feature into the next flagship device from Samsung.

Samsung has already had mixed reviews about the eye tracking feature on the S4, and other devices. Some say it is just a feature to show off and then keep it turned off, and few others say it is useful at times. The question is, will this feature be the same, or will people actually use it in everyday life?

So are you ready to use an elaborate eyebrow dance to type a text message, or set up a winking pass code to unlock your device? Left eye, right eye, right eye, left eye, right.