US Court Of Appeals Says Apple Didn't Infringe Google Patent


Google has taken over a patent dispute between Apple and Motorola when they acquired Motorola. Now, an already in progress appeal to a decision made by the International Trade Commission, has been stopped in its tracks by the US Court of Appeals.

When Google acquired Motorola, they also acquired their patents. Some said this was a way to add defenses to the Android OS with in the courtrooms. Before Google even finalized the deal Motorola was in a patent dispute with Apple, that began with Motorola pointing the finger at Apple in 2010. Motorola claimed that Apple infringed on six different patents, ranging from design to functions like reducing signal noise. However, the ITC decided that Apple in fact did not infringe those patents back in April 2013. When the decision was made, Google had already purchased Motorola, so the patent’s belonged to Google.

Google decided to appeal the decision, and so the case went to the US Court of Appeals. That decision makes the battle between Google and Apple themselves. Not like the other hundreds of battles Apple and other manufacturers have brought to the mobile industry. Google is the number one OS in the world over Apple, and Apple has a lot to compete with since so many different manufacturers make Android devices.

Unfortunately for Google, the US Court of Appeals, has decided to uphold the ruling made by the ITC back in April 2013. The ITC, is the first place to fight any patent battles, because they usually reach a decision fairly quickly. When they have reached a decision, they can easily stop the importation of goods making their way to the US. According to Reuters, Google only had this to say, “We’re disappointed in the decision and are evaluating our options,”

Apple had no comment on the matter, but the appeals court only referenced one of the six total patents in question. We will have to wait and see what Google’s next move is, and what the outcome will be for this patent battle. In the mean time, what do you think about the decision? And do you think Apple and Google will even continue this battle, or just find something else to fight about?