As some of you may know, the LG G2 is getting KitKat on AT&T right now. But what about the other carriers? Well so far, we have no idea about Sprint and Verizon, but the T-Mobile update is sitting on LG’s servers ready to go. Now, the last update that the T-Mobile LG G2 got, sat on the LG server for a good month before T-Mobile pushed it out. So it may be a bit before we see the official OTA. But don’t fret, we know exactly how to flash the OTA onto your device. It’s simple as can be actually.
First of all, you’ll need to download the LG Mobile Support Tool. Next, you’ll want to plug-in your LG G2 to your computer. You’ll want to be sure it has your devices drivers installed. Once those are installed, it should say you have an update, and just follow the on-screen instructions to download and update your LG G2. Depending on your internet connection, it may take a while to download the update. Once it’s downloaded it will start to install it on your device, so it’s important that you do not unplug it. A few minutes later, you should be all set! And you’ll have Android 4.4.2.
A few notes to point out here. You will need to be stock. You will more than likely lose root, and it appears that there is no exploit to root the LG G2 on T-Mobile just yet. Additionally, you will not lose your data. I was able to update my LG G2 earlier today using the LG Mobile Support Tool and had no issues with losing data at all.
This is the final build, so you don’t need to worry about this being a leak or anything unstable. I’ve been using it most of the day and it’s pretty good. It’s even faster than the G2 was on Jelly Bean, which is kind of insane. If you have any issues, feel free to leave a comment down below.