Verizon is trying something new, and something we feel won’t exactly get people lined up for, and it’s hiding under the name Smart Rewards Program. Now the program may be the Verizon’s way to get people off contract, or maybe in the future lower prices a sign of that is their new plans. However, for now, this program is just another way to spam you.
Lets see what is involved in the program, and then we will get to the fun part. Firstly, the rewards you gain are earned in many different ways. One of which, is signing up for the program, automatic points, then add lines, get points, use more data, get points, sign up for autopay, get points, get the trend here? Sign up for services, and use them, and get points.
Once you have those points, you can use them in a way we have seen before, but with those bidding sites that just feel like a scam when you enter their web address into your browser. So, there are auctions for rewards, and you spend your points or there is options to enter sweepstakes, and deals. However you want to look at it, it seems as though you will just be wasting points and in turn cash, for rewards that are given away with similar odds to winning the lottery.
Already, this isn’t sounding too good, but it gets better, or worse, depending if you are a Verizon fan or not. In order to participate in the “rewards program,” quotes for a reason, you have to sign up for Verizon Selects. This is when all you privacy junkies need to get into your fighting pants, because we are sure you will want to put an end to this. Once signed up for both Verizon Rewards and Verizon Selects, you will be allowing Verizon to access all of your data from websites visited, shopping sites frequented, apps and much more. The reason Verizon wants this info, is to provide you with better ads! That’s right people, Verizon wants to use that information, to send you ads via text message, snail mail and email, as well as any other form to get ads in your face.
Sounds like something we all have been asking our carriers to do for such a long time, from the beginning of time even. Luckily, these programs are only available in certain states at the moment. Ohio, Arkansas, Oregon, Oklahoma, Western Tennessee, Northern Mississippi, Northern Idaho, and Washington, all need to be on the look out for these programs.