HTC to Build the Next Nexus 10?

For a long time now, there’s been one Nexus that’s been absent, and that’s the Nexus 10. It’s not that the current Nexus 10 isn’t a good tablet, it still shapes up nicely, but the lack of a 10-inch tablet from Google doesn’t exactly instill confidence for Android tablets when you think about it. After all, if the creator of the OS clearly doesn’t have that much faith in Android on 10-inch tablets, then why should any developer pull out all the stops to make a decent tablet app? Tablet apps are a problem that Android has been facing for years now, and without a Nexus 10 or other inspiring hardware to get developers involved, it looks like we’re still going to be scavenging for tablet apps for some time to come.

Samsung has recently given developers cause to up their game on Android tablets with their giant Galaxy Tab Pro and Galaxy Note Pro tablets, both of which come in at 12.2-inches large, however they’re incredibly expensive, and the whole point of the Nexus line is to deliver something more affordable to developers. With 10-inch tablets though, Google has been snoozing and that doesn’t bode well for Android on slates around the globe. This is why we’re happy to hear a rumor that HTC is going to develop and build the next Nexus 10 for Google.

Of course, this is just a rumor at this point, but it would help both companies out. HTC would benefit more than Google we imagine, but Google’s Nexus line of tablets is really more of a one-man band at this point. A sharp design and well-built piece of hardware from HTC could help the Nexus line become relevant and bring in more users  and more importantly, more developers to Android as a tablet platform. HTC would benefit from the bran exposure and while sales of Nexus devices aren’t always that great, selling anything is better than nothing. Then there is of course, the way back into the tablet market for HTC, something we’ve been hearing a little more about recently. Would you buy a Nexus 10 made by HTC? Let us know in the comments below and on Google+!