Rogers: KitKat 4.4.2 "Coming Soon" For Galaxy S4 & Galaxy Note 3

Rogers has just been full of announcements and good news lately – just the other day they announced that their SureTap Wallet would be launching in the not so distant future and now they just released their most up-to-date schedule of software upgrades with some more good news.  We already know that the HTC One mini should be receiving its Android 4.4 KitKat upgrade sometime in late February, and now we see two popular powerhouses on the list…the Samsung Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3, listed as “Coming Soon.” This is very exciting news for the many Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3 users everywhere – while it’s true that this announcement is strictly for our Canadian brethren on the Rogers network, generally when there is smoke, there is fire, and the more Galaxy S4s and Galaxy Note 3s that get updated, the closer everybody else gets to receiving their upgrade. Rogers warns us that the Release Dates are, of course, “subject to change,” but hey, I will take a date that is subject to a change, over no date or information at all. By releasing a schedule, we know that Rogers is, at the very least, working on our situation of getting us the KitKat that we have all been waiting to arrive.

Coming along with Rogers dropping the Android 4.4 Kit to the HTC One mini, HTC said it should also arrive with the new Sense 5.5 as well, giving the mini a new look and feel when it comes to the User Interface (UI).

A couple other upgrade announcements are also on the Rogers list, not as exciting to we Android lovers, but we still need to point out that two Windows Phones, the Nokia Lumia 920 and the Samsung Ativ S devices will also be receiving their GDR3 upgrade, also listed as “Coming Soon.” One important feature in that will come with this GDR3 upgrade is the ability to allow Data Sense to block streaming when your device is in the “roaming” mode. This will certainly help cut down on your precious data usage, if your device tends to “roam” where you live or travel.

Please let us know on our Google+ Page if you are a Rogers user and excited about their most recent upgrade schedule.