Android 4.4.2 – KitKat Now Available for the International LG G2 – D802

Much like the LG G2 on T-Mobile, the international version now has the update available, and you can install it via the PC Suite. Which I already did a How To on for the T-Mobile version, and you can do it the exact same way. The download is a .kdz file, which you shouldn’t need to download. Just simply open the PC Suite on your computer with your G2 plugged in and it should notice that there is an update available for your LG G2. Then just follow the directions to install it. It’s really easy actually.

For those that are wondering what’s new with the G2 update, we’re looking at the status bar icons changing from blue to white. And a few other small changes like immersive mode, and tap to pay. In the US, Tap to Pay was omitted from the update, but on the international version we should see the Tap to Pay feature available, but then again Google Wallet is US only right now. I actually did a video on the update for the T-Mobile G2, which you can see at the bottom of this post.

One thing I have noticed with KitKat on the G2 is that the battery life is even better than it was on Android 4.2.2 which is pretty good. While we’re talking about the battery, it appears that Bluetooth will show up in the battery stats even when it’s not turned on. As we’ve talked about the in Google+ community, it appears to be using around 5-6% of the battery, but I’m still getting the same on-screen time. So I’m not to worried about it right now. But it’s great to have even better battery life.

We should see the OTA rolling out pretty soon for the international LG G2. If you’re willing to use the LG PC Suite to install the update, let us know in the comments below. Remember this is for the LG D802.