Samsung’s Galaxy S5 marketing campaign starts….now! We knew that Samsung was going to throw in a ton of money into marketing the Galaxy S5 as well as their new wearables, the Gear Fit, Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo. This is the same company that bought a Superbowl ad in 2013 without promoting a single device.
The Galaxy S5, Gear 2, Gear 2 Neo and Gear Fit should be available in about 150 countries on April 11th. With the US carriers availability starting then and continuing through April. So Samsung is getting everyone hyped about the Next Big Thing. They’ve just released a few more promotional videos about the Galaxy S5, Gear 2, and Gear Fit, which you can see them all down below.
The first video is about the Galaxy S5. Samsung goes through the many features on their newest flagship. The video focuses primarily on the camera, fitness, download booster and battery life. Which are all great features that we should all be using. The video also shows us the Gear Manager which is a great transition into the Gear 2 and Gear Fit video. This video is here to show you how to make the most of these new wearables from Samsung, they also require the Galaxy S5 to get the most out of them. That’s primarily because of all the features in the Galaxy S5, like the heart rate sensor.
Just as you’d expect, the videos look great, and remind you just how great the Galaxy S5 and Gear 2 really are. While you may not like the back of the Galaxy S5, you can’t say much bad about the specs and features of the Galaxy S5. And it’s still going to sell millions. I’m sure it’ll be the best selling Galaxy S device yet. Everyone else in agreement?
How many of you are anxious to buy the Galaxy S5, Gear Fit, or Gear 2? Let us know in the comments below.