It never fails to amaze us how quickly the modding community gets on with Rooting and flashing these days. Chainfire, who is a well known developer and modder and has multiple apps on the Play Store, and is perhaps most well known for the app SuperSU, has already rooted the Samsung Galaxy S5. Normally we would think that achieving root access within a few days or a week of a smartphones release would be a quick turn around, but the Galaxy S5 isn’t even available to the public yet and already there will be a root option waiting for those that will be picking this phone up come April 11th.
To be completely accurate, the root is only for one specific model of the Galaxy S5, of which Chainfire admits that he thinks there will be many of, so we don’t mean to get the hopes up of everyone who will be getting this device on day one and will be looking to root it immediately. Fear not though, because there could very well be root access coming to those other models(or at least some of them) leading up to the launch date, or soon thereafter. The model that Chainfire was able to root is what he believes to end up being the most common international model, the SM-G900F. Chainfire didn’t actually have a Galaxy S5 in his possession, so although the root process started some time before today on this device, he mentions that he had lost access to his contact that tests root on pre-release devices due to other responsibilities they had of testing KNOX. All was not lost though as the wait for someone else with a Galaxy S5 that could test root came up today, and Chainfire was able to finish the process.
If you’re looking to get the information on this process so things can be ready to go when you get your device, you can find all the information through the XDA thread linked through Chainfires G+ post. He also has the direct link to the download so you can get straight to work if you’re so inclined. All of this was achieved via CF-Auto-Root. This is great news for the modding community, and for those that are eager to have a rooted S5 as soon as possible.