If you use Play Newsstand to read just about all your news and magazines you might love the update that Google is steadily pushing out. Middle of the week is usually when we expect Google to send out any sort of updates that they have ready for their core apps, and Google Keep was already updated earlier. Google Play Newsstand seems to be the third app on the list today with Google Play Movies also getting an update, and with this new update it brings a list of new and useful features as well as optimizations and enhancements/improvements, or whatever you want to call them. We’ll start with the obvious improvement which is bug fixes. Just like any new update to any Google core app, or really any app for that matter, tweaks and enhancements to has out known bugs is something you can always expect, and it’s always appreciated.
Moving along, this new update brings Google Play Newsstand forward to version 3.2.0, and you can now view headlines on your home screen with the Play Newsstand widget, as well as scan for headlines more quickly now with the new mini cards option, which makes the cards smaller, and is accessible by going into menu/mini cards. You can also now organize magazine issues by publication date when that specific publication allows, and translate news sources instantly, so there’s no more waiting period if you want or need to read your news or magazines in another language. The update also throws in support for RTL languages.
Among the those changes Play Newsstand has also consolidated a couple things within the menu that you access by swiping inward from the left edge. My library now encompasses both the my news and my magazine into one easy, more manageable section, and the main page when you open the app known as the Read now tab has everything split off into relevant categories across the top bar which you can move between by swiping either left or right. Other than that there really isn’t anything else to tell in terms of changes. The app seems to work nicely, and we’re particularly fond of the mini cards feature. Do you find yourself using Play Newsstand and now with these changes will you use it more often?