If you like customizing things on your device, then you’ll appreciate what Cyanogen Inc is doing with the OnePlus One. We already know that they put together the software side of things, as the phone runs on Cyanogenmod 11S, but today they’re adding in some really cool customization abilities that will let the user select a custom voice wake-up phrase for the OnePlus One, which is just awesome. There will be a selection of male and female voice options when everything is all said and done, and according to the team all the male voices have already been recorded in house from the members of the staff. What this comes down to is that Cyanogen Inc is in need of some female voices for the custom wake-up phrases, and they have taken to the online community to try and get some help.
Does the sound of your voice have what it take to be immortalized in digital form? Do you love the idea of seemingly millions of people being able to literally wake up to the sound of your voice? Well, rather just have them hear your voice when they power on their phones but you get the idea right? If you want to help out the team at Cyanogen Inc you can record your voice and send off the recording files to the team via their instructions on their G+ post. They’re collecting samples now and if you wanted to take part just hit the link below and follow the steps needed.
There are some points of requirement obviously as the team is in need of some specifics. Once again female voices only. As stated above, Cyanogen has already recorded the male voices for the wake-up phrases in house so there is no need for them. The team is accepting voice samples of anyone between the age ranges of 18 and 75, and you’ll have to record yourself saying the custom wake-up command “OK, OnePlus” as well as some random paragraphs from an included link they provide. It’s pretty cool that Cyanogen is setting up a way to use custom wake-up voices, and even cooler that they’re selecting sample recordings from the public for a more natural sound. Check out all the details at Cyanogen Inc’s G+ post.