Google Now Can Tell You What Stores Your Mall Has To Shop In

Malls are a tricky business. They often have way too many choices and the assortment of stores can only get larger and more diverse as you choose to enter bigger malls. Sometimes it can be confusing to find your way around even with those handy little maps they have posted up in various locations. The other thing is that you might want to know what stores are available to shop in without having to search for one of the mall map legends, although most of the time those are posted at most of the major entrances. If you for whatever reason your mall of choice doesn’t have these put up in the most convenient locations you can now now find out if there’s any stores you’ll be interested in shopping at just by looking at your phone.

As part of the latest update, Google Now has a new feature that lets you see just what stores any given mall has just by opening it up while your inside the giant shopping center. This can be a huge benefit to anyone that also may have just started walking around looking at stores, as we know that once you get to shopping around you sometimes don’t want to spend the time looking for one of those maps. It’s just much easier to look down at your phone’s display to see what else the mall has to offer.

There are a couple downsides to this feature that we can see right off the bat. First off you seem to have to actually be inside the mall to see the list of stores pop up. The only reason this is a little bit of a drawback is because having the ability to use Google Now to search for any given mall and see the list of store before you get there would be quite a bit more useful. Second there is no map associated with these stores, it’s just a list of what stores are inside. There are no “you are here” stamps letting you know what side of the mall you walked in at, and no way of knowing where your favorite shops are. It is still a cool feature to have though and can be very useful. The feature should be live so if you’re planning on doing some late Thursday shopping pull out your phone and check it out.