T-Mobile Sends Out Invites For June 18th Uncarrier 5.0 Event In LA



T-mobile has been shaking things up in the wireless world since the beginning of their Uncarrier campaign and they’re now well into their fourth phase, or UnCarrier 4.0. The latest is that the Bellevue based U.S. carrier and the fourth largest in the nation of the major four, is set to hold an announcement on June 18th regarding their next phase of the Uncarrier strategy, Uncarrier 5.0. What could be included this time around? Will T-mobile once again turn the U.S. wireless industry on its head? John Legere is sure to unveil all the juicy details about where T-Mobile is headed next and what they plan to do, what changes they plan to make come the event which takes place in Los Angeles, and who knows we might even learn something about Uncarrier 5.0 before the event happens.

According to CNET the title of the invitations that were sent out informing of the event was “We Don’t Play It Safe,” and we have to agree with T-Mobile on this one. They have been making huge strides to better their wireless network, customer experience and customer service over all and any changes that they have made over time that weren’t working have gotten scrapped. If something wasn’t doing what theyd’ hoped they changed things up yet again and moved on until they have found something that stuck and worked for consumers. They have made big plays and have been reaping the rewards. Granted not every customer has liked all the changes that have been made with the Uncarrier strategy, but you can’t please everyone even if you try. Fortunately for T-mobile it seems that all their Uncarrier efforts have won over more consumers than they have pushed away which is evident of their positive customer growth this first quarter.

There is no telling exactly what John Legere and company have planned for the big event but you can be sure that whatever they do with this next phase, it will most likely be something monumental and for the better of the consumer. We wouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised to see Legere loudly outspoken with tweets about all those changes to come either, so if you won’t be able to catch the news of the event as it happens or won’t have the time to read the articles that follow, you stand a good chance of getting short snippets of information in the form of no more than 140 characters.