Android 4.4.3 coming to the Nexus 5 Today, Says T-Mobile

Now before we get started here, it’s important to remember that this is not confirmed. In fact, we’ve been down this road before with Android 4.4.3 where Sprint posted on their site that the update was hitting the Nexus 5 that day, and it never came. So just because it appears on T-Mobile’s support documents doesn’t mean it’s coming today, but we know it’s coming. The big question is when?

According to T-Mobile the build is KTU84M. Which is the same build number we’ve been seeing floating around for quite some time now on various web logs and other sites. According to the changelog on T-Mobile’s site, it appears to only include security enhancements and bug fixes, which is exactly what we expected. Since there are a number of bugs that need to be fixed on the Nexus 5 and in KitKat in general, like the Android OS bug. It’s also not uncommon to see Google pushing out a new update just a few weeks before Google I/O which takes place later this month in sunny San Francisco.

So the Nexus 5, and other Nexus devices obviously, might be getting Android 4.4.3 today. However we don’t know for sure. But we will be sure to let everyone know when the update does begin pushing out, as well as having a link to the update so everyone can sideload it if they so wish. I wouldn’t expect a huge update to Android 4.4.3, probably around 50MB in size. But still big enough to where we want the update. Hopefully it does fix all the problems we have on KitKat before Google announces a new version of Android at Google I/O hopefully.

How many Nexus 5 owners out there are excited to get Android 4.4.3 and fix those bugs they have on your device? Be sure to let us know in the comments below.