Who Watches More Porn, Android or iOS Users?

Sometimes you come across data and it takes some time to come to a clear conclusion. I’m still not sure what conclusion I’m supposed to come to after staring at this data coming from Pornhub that suggests Safari for iOS is used more often to look at porn on their website more than other mobile browsers.

Pornhub reports that of the average 38 million users that visit the website a day (yes, people love their porn), “over half are now using mobile devices like tablets and smartphones.” As far as tablets specifically go, 73% of the traffic goes to Safari on the iPad, leaving a 13.6% that goes to Chrome being used on both iPad and Android tablets. With phones, it’s a little less surprising with Safari on iPhone coming in at 38.2%, Android’s browser coming in at 29.4%, and 18% for Chrome.

At first glance, one might find this news quite astonishing because it doesn’t seem possible that iDevices, with the smaller overall marketshare compared to Android, could disproportionately generate more traffic to the porn site. But if you actually look at the data, you can begin to see that it isn’t necessarily as one-sided as it initially seems. For instance, if you take the 29.4% Android browser marketshare and add it to the 18% for Chrome, you come up with 47.4% which is obviously greater than the 38.2% of Safari iPhone users. One could argue that some of that 47.4% are Chrome users on the iPhone, but Chrome is actually used by a quite low percentage of iOS users – with research firm Chitika reporting last year that it represented only 3% of browser marketshare on iOS. Do some calculating in your head and factor in that more people own smartphones compared to tablets and Android doesn’t look so bad, even moreso when compared to Windows Phone’s Internet Explorer commanding only 2.4% of traffic.

Ultimately, whatever conclusion you choose to draw from the data is just that – your own conclusion. A million people can look at this data and take away different things. So whether you think that iOS users are more perverted, Android users more conservative, or think this has any significance when talking about behaviors or browser preference – there are a number of people who will probably argue the opposite using the same data. It really doesn’t matter whether or not iPhone users or Android users watch more porn, what matters is that we can if we want to.

What do you think of the data? Have any fun conclusions you’d like to share based on the numbers? Let us know what you think, and leave us a comment below!