WIND Mobile Moves Forward by Expanding its Dual-Carrier HSPA+ Network

WIND Mobile launched into the Canadian market in 2009 and set a lofty goal of having over 1.3 million subscribers by 2013, and while they have failed to reach their goal, WIND Mobile can claim 700,000 subscribers – nearly half of that goal.  In the fiercely competitive world of wireless communications in Canada – as well as in all countries – WIND Mobile keeps scratching and clawing their way and are doing much better, than say Mobilicity that has filed with the courts for bankruptcy protection and is looking for a buyer.

What better way to increase your customer base than to steal them from your competitors and/or expand your coverage and network speed – well, it seems that WIND Mobile has been taking both approaches.  The first of May, WIND Mobile decided to follow the U.S. carriers and started luring away subscribers from the worried 165,000 customers of Mobilicity and the battle scarred 222,000 users of Public Mobile – TELUS owns Public Mobile and has been in a battle with the Government to try to purchase the struggling Mobilicity.  WIND Mobile was offering a free SIM card, one free month of a monthly plan, if you keep your phone they will give you up to $500 in service credits, or upgrade your device and get up to $500 on WINDtab and get service credits when you trade-in your old phone.

WIND Mobile has also informed our source that they have also been working on upgrading their network for better coverage and faster speeds.  All across Canada, WIND Mobile’s 1408 cell towers are now upgraded to HSPA+ – this allows customers speeds of up to 21Mbps, with an average around 8Mbps.  The next phase – which has already started – would be to update all of the towers for Dual Carrier HSPA+, which should increase speeds up to 42Mbps.  So far, WIND Mobile has installed over 360 of these new antennas across the country in various locations.  WIND Mobile has also informed our source that at the beginning of July, they will be launching their wireless service in Brantford. Please hit us up on our Google+ Page and let us know if you are with WIND Mobile or have recently jumped ship and signed up for their service…as always, we would love to hear from you.