Google Releases Latest Android Distribution Numbers With Kit Kat Now At 17.9% Of Users

The latest Android Distribution numbers are in and according to the standings and charts it looks like Kit Kat has taken an even bigger foothold in the hearts of Android users. Android 4.4 Kit Kat which is so far the latest version to have been pushed out to consumers and carriers(although we know that Android L is coming and should be here this fall)now accounts for 17.9% of all Android devices, a percentage that will surely rise once again when Google releases the distribution numbers next month. Jelly Bean as you can see is of course still on the largest portion of devices that run the Android operating system. Jelly Bean still makes up about 56.5% of all Android users which is more than half, but Kit Kat has finally become the second largest group being used when it comes to Android versions, and we couldn’t be happier to see it continuing to grow.

With each new release, Google seems to be ever so slightly closing the gap between users with older and newer devices, bridging the divide in what version they’re running which will end up helping the fragmentation issue eventually. Google tracks these numbers as we all should know by this point, by analyzing the number of unique visitors to the Play Store application within a seven day period that ended on July 7th, which is how they reached the stats that they have posted, and were able to base some pretty charts off of.

The very first device to run Kit Kat, the Nexus 5, will also be one of the first devices to run the new Android L when it officially releases, which is hopefully just a few months away. We’ll also see the Nexus 4, and presumably all the variants of the Nexus 7 tablet, as well as the Nexus 10 get official updates from Google as well, and we can’t forget that the GPe HTC M8 will most likely end up getting it not too long after. With some of last year’s and the year prior devices moving to whatever the new Android version will end up being called upon launch, distribution numbers the month after will be interesting to view.