What does Verizon and Motorola’s next Droid device look like from the back? For certain, no one really knows yet. However it is possible that the image shown below could be the back for an upcoming device from Motorola as part of the Droid lineup. Motorola is the only OEM thus far that has used this type of material and design for the back covers for some of their phones, which is a possible indicator that we could be looking at one of the new Droid devices. Posted up on Hellomotohk’s Facebook page, this picture leaves us little detail and information, if any at all really, but we can speculate at least on what we see.
The back cover has numerous holes in it, and no those aren’t simply design flaws they’re there for a reason. Which was obvious right? The top hole is most likely for the camera, which is what most people are speculating on HK’s facebook comment thread, and the other assumption is that the bottom hole directly below it is for the Motorola logo stamp. While it is possible that they could implement a second camera lens here like HTC did with their duo camera on the M8, Motorola has never done anything like that before or hinted at it coming in a new device so it’s more unlikely that would be the case. Although anything is possible, and it would be cool to see what Motorola had in mind for such a feature should they decide to build it into a new phone.
The other two holes would most likely be set in place as openings for the LED flash to accompany the rear camera, which actually makes plenty of sense and they are the right size for it. It would have been nice to see something next to the back cover for a contrast to size, but we suppose we’ll have to wait for something like that to pop up. The back cover appears to have some rounded corners and a slight curve to the surface, similar looking to the curve on the HTC M8 but it could just be the lighting and the way the picture was taken making it look like that. Sadly that is really all we can tell from the picture. What do you think about this potential unreleased Moto Back cover?